Before I started making this List, I asked myself this question: “what do people not realize or know that can contribute to their weight loss results?

With internet and social media there is a ton of information out there all stating the same thing but using different ways to describe them.

It’s no wonder many people get confused when they set out to start their weight loss plan because of being overwhelmed with information on how to lose weight, fat, in the first place!

So I decided to go a different route and give you tips and the 26 Ways to Lose -10 kg that I feel is the very essence of becoming successful in your fat loss goals and managing your body fat.

With this foundation that changes the way you approach and the way your mind thinks towards fat loss, I am positively certain you will be successful!


Below are 06 more Ways to do your transformation:


  1. IF YOU’RE A CARDIO QUEEN THAN TAKE YOUR CROWN OFF and get your butt into the weight room now and start lifting some weights!

The advantages of lifting weights far outweigh the advantages of doing cardiovascular training.

One being the lowering of your body fat when you gain lean body mass- muscle.



Just because you got lost during your journey in losing your fat, and if you followed the “I love fat food highway” for a whole week doesn’t put you back to square one.

Every step you take on your way to eating healthier and making better lifestyle choices is one step closer to feeling great.


  1. MAKE A LIST OF YOUR TOP 5 VALUES that are most important to you in your life.

Values, are the guidelines you use in making decisions based on what is important to you.

When you have your list of values you will be able to recognize if losing fat fits into your priorities as you value them.

If not, than you can change your values to fit what you need in order to reach your fat loss goals.



Yes that’s right, you need to know how much you are eating!

The best way to do this is to buy a small kitchen scale to weigh your food in.

If you cannot buy a scale than you can use your hand as a guideline.

The palm of your hand will show you how much meat/chicken/ or fish you may have, when you make a fist this will give you a guide to how much cooked carbohydrates you may eat, and by  “cupping” your hand you will be able to see how much vegetables you should eat.



Write down your answers to this question.

While you’re at it, write down what the reason is that you have not been able to stick to your daily structure plan of making healthier choices in your nutrition and exercise program. Be brutally honest about what your answers are.

Nobody sees them but you, it’s you who needs to find the answers.



If you feel you are constantly fighting a battle in your mind talking to yourself, telling yourself why something will not work for you, give this character a name like ‘Nagging Nelly‘, but also give their counterpart, a name like for example ‘Happy Helen”.

This way you can literally tell Nagging Nelly that you choose to listen to Happy Helen and to not make excuses as to why you should procrastinate starting your new lifestyle program.

Use positive affirmations like “I will succeed in starting today to lead a better life with good nutrition to feed my body to be able to function well for me in my daily activities on my way to the results “ I want”.

Then you could write down or speak out your wanted results.



Written by Vivian Hylkema – Personal Trainer & Wellness Consultant

Miss Universe Ladies Bodybuilding, Personal Trainer, Muscle + Mind Coach. June, 2015


Dra. Ritz

Médica e atleta fisiculturista, realiza palestras por todo o Brasil, divulgando o envelhecimento saudável, a longevidade e a busca por uma vida mais plena e produtiva. Serve de exemplo e estímulo para os seus pacientes, que buscam em sua pessoa, uma fonte de conhecimento, inspiração e exemplo de vida.

Publicado por
Dra. Ritz

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